Bolt-The-Super-Dog-Fanon Wiki


Tony is a streetwise tom cat. Tony is very serious when it comes to getting food and water, but other wise he is a fun-loving cute kind of guy. He is always a flirt with the ladies, and is very adventurous and free spirited. He is a bit of a dare devil and there is nothing he won't do to get what he wants. Tony is very smart and knows how to pick a lock with his bare claws.


Tony is a fiery red orange color, with darker red stripes all alone his back like a tiger. His tail is longer than most, and his eyes are a yellow gold color.


Meg: mother (desceased)

Frank: father

Livvie: sister


  • Tony is fearless, at least, he's fearless of the regular things. He is afraid of sickness.
  • Tony has mixed feelings about Shillouette, even though he knows she has a crush on him.
  • Tony is a bit scared of Jenna after an accident that happened with Shillouette.
  • Tony gets along well with Jangur